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[Rare Photograph]Victoria amazonica : process of growth

Hi everyone, how was your day? It’s going by so fast and now we are in early September. The summer clammy season now drawing to an end. Although now our garden is still closed until 12,September , we are also looking forward to see you all and enjoy our garden for next season together. 🙂

I want to introduce the king of Lotus flower, because it’s not often to know about Victoria amazonia’s process of growth.

Today’s leaf of Victoria amazonia


The leaf of Victoria amazonia could set by a children for about 20 kg in Japan. I’d never set that but I heard that the accepted weight in Taiwan is about 70 kg for a adult. The difference between the subtropical zone and the temperate zone.

Okay now I just show the photos to you. The photos of this year and last year.

26, July, 2021

22, August, 2021

26, August, 2021

28, August, 2021

1, September, 2021

And the rare photograph of Victoria amazonia in 2020.

Thanks your looking and please take care of yourself.

We are looking forward to see you soon. 🙂



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